Fridays Fave 5

It’s time for recaping the week and sharing some of our favorites. Visit Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to join on in…


1. and 2. Today is our last day of Women’s Bible Study Fall session. I really enjoyed shopping at Homegoods this week and finding some little treats for the ladies at my table. The autumn mugs were in the clearance aisle and were marked down to $2.99. And while I was shopping I nabbed this fun fold up tin server for myself that was on clearance at $11.00. I like the charcoal grey and the design on it. The fact that it folds up for easier storage is great, too.

3. On Willow and my walks we’ve been treated to some new birds this week that we haven’t seen up close before on our walks. I had to really zoom in to catch this Road Runner but I was thrilled to see it. Beep beep!


The Hawk was another treat and I almost caught him flying away…oops, just not quick enough with the camera. We saw lots of deer again this week and this butterfly stayed put long enough for me to capture a shot.

4. I mentioned Bible Study. It’s been really great studying about God’s Transforming Grace this fall. I’ve learned a lot and I hope the Holy Spirit will imprint what I’ve learned on my heart.

5. Did I mention before that I’m flying home to the Seattle area for Thanksgiving next Tuesday?? Oh I have, well let me mention it again here. I’m so looking forward to spending time home with my family over the holidays. My packing list is getting long…

Photobucket is holding all my photos from 2007-2015 hostage and demanding a ransom for me to access them. I’m slowly cleaning up many of my posts where PB have added ugly black and grey boxes where my photos used to be. So frustrating!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

20 thoughts on “Fridays Fave 5

  1. Hi Ellen. It seems it’s WordPress that’s having the issue. I’ll sign you into the linky.

    I love those mugs. How cute are those. And I am so loving how that server folds up. How cool is that for storage! Butterflies in November. Amazing!

  2. Enjoy your trip home to clear skies and no rain! 🙂 We will see..right!
    Thanks for sharing your five fave’s…it is easy to understand why you are thankful for even the smallest of things!

  3. So that’s what a roadrunner looks like! How cool that you got to see one — any coyotes in sight? Enjoy your time with your family in Seattle, Ellen. What fun you’ll have!

  4. Great fave fives today! Ditto on the hawk, roadrunner and deer. The mugs are really cute! I know you’ll enjoy your time at home.

    My first time getting to your blog through google reader!

  5. What a wonderful list and great photos, Ellen.

    I love autumn mugs with tea bags. And the tin server is my kind of kitchen accessory … folding tiers make for easy storage.

    We don’t see any road runners ’round our parts.

  6. Hi Ellen,

    I enjoyed your post tremendously. That bridal tray looks LOVELY!!! And the roadrunner is such a treat…

    I was just thinking I need to ask you when you are heading to Seattle, now I know! 🙂 Are you cooking this year?

  7. That server is awesome! Great find. And as always I am jealous of the wild life you see on your walks, just beautiful.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels.

  8. Ellen, your list compared to mine is like sipping high tea with the Queen compared to slurping a Freezee at Target with … me. What I mean is, your pics are beautiful and text is heartwarming. You have birds; I have Elvis. Will you ever come back to my site??

  9. Good job catching that roadrunner. I think I used to see them when I was a kid an we lived in the Mojave Desert for a year or so. I had forgotten what they look like.

    Looks like you were photographing hawks and roadrunners while I was photographing pelicans. I wonder what they would do without lamp posts to sit on?

    Deer are so beautiful…such great lines they have, a very graceful shape.

    I like your other treasures too…that fold up server is very unique.

  10. Such a nice variety of pictures you have there. Have a great trip up to Seattle. I want to go back and take the time to get more acquanited with the area. We were there for a quick trip for a wedding last May. Too quick for anything more than that.

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