WFMW ~ Simple Lists & Rewards

This simple 6 x 8 notebook is my organizational wizard. I use this each week to organize myself and to get things accomplished. With a pencil I line out 7 boxes for the 7 days of the week starting with Monday. Each box has the date and day of the week. I put the set appts. in each box. Along the left side I list all the tasks I’d need to accomplish or would like to accomplish that week. I add more as I think of them during the week. In the upper right hand sidebar I list any birthdays that are in that month. Below that I keep a running list of anything I need to buy at the store. Nine times out of ten if I have something on this list it gets done. I take great joy in crossing off accomplished tasks or purchased items. I put fun things to do on these lists too. Below are some pictures of one of the fun things I always try to include on my to-do list.

This is Leticia our waitress at our favorite local Mexican restaurant near our home in Washington. Eating at her family restaurant was on my list this week and voila here we are!

The restaurant is called La Corona and we’ve been here often enough that they know what we like to order and we have more than casual conversations with Leticia about herself and her family.

Laura and Josh joined us for a late celebration of their anniversary.

Dear, Ellen b. and Katie stuffed already on our favorite salsa that they make here. Katie’s friend Heidi joined us too after the photo-op.

So not only do I schedule chores but I schedule some fun too. Bottom line what works for me is organization with my little binder and eating out at a Mexican Restaurant at least once a week!

To see what works for other people head on over to Rocks In My Dryer and join the frenzy fun!

Any photos missing from my posts are the result of Photobucket blacking out all my photos that I stored on their site since 2006.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

15 thoughts on “WFMW ~ Simple Lists & Rewards

  1. Good job on being organized. I have friends who have adopted the list policy and sadly it has never made it into my home. I find that as I’m getting older, I need to write things down more often, perhaps the coiled notebook should be on my shopping list . . oh wait, . . i don’t make those either . . .smile.

  2. I’ll post a picture of our calendar….a small tablet just couldn’t handle this family and all it’s varied “stuff” going on!

    I do love that you plan fun outings as well. I started a Family Field Trip at my church where once a month all the families with kids under 12 get together and go somewhere, usually it’s a free place and we caravan from the church. I started it for the summer and have been asked to continue it…


  3. I am such a list person and agree that having a list is great. I have daily, weekly, monthly and more lists. It is easier to keep up with stuff and it gives me well defined goals. 🙂

  4. Such a great idea! I find that since I’m no longer planning a wedding and not working yet, I don’t get much done at all. With all the time in the world, I don’t feel the pressing need to work on things. I think a weekly list might actually help me be more productive. Thanks Ellen! 🙂

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