Friday’s Feast ~ #5

When was the last time you were surprised?

When my over 40 year old brother and his over 40 year old wife told us they were expecting a baby. They’ve been married for a year and this is the first marriage for each of them. The baby is due in January. Very surprised and filled with joy for them…

Fill in the blanks: My eyes are Hazel, but I wish they were more green.

If you were a Beanie Baby, what would you look like and what would your name be?

I would be a brown and black Hedgehog and my name would be Tiggy!

Main Course
Name two things you consistently do that you consider to be healthy habits.

Reading my Bible and eating High Fiber Cereal with a banana in the morning.

What brand of toothpaste are you using these days? Do you like it? Why or why not?

Crest Paste not gel and not the one that tastes like pepto bismol. (yuck)

For more Friday Feasts go here.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

28 thoughts on “Friday’s Feast ~ #5

  1. Pingback: -- a metamorphoself of gabrielle

  2. Congratulations on the Appetizer ‘baby’ – I think that is the best surprise of all at 40 –

    Salads my fave – I love your BB name- I know a real life ‘Tiggy’ and she ROCKs!

    Your main … I wish I had this healthy habit.

  3. seems like im the only one who doesn’t know anything about the beanie babies! lol. πŸ˜€
    what a wonderful surprise! congratulations to them both!

    wonderful feast!

  4. Happy Friday and what a wonderful surprise. My prayers that everything goes well for them all. And.. lol @ your dessert… go on, tell us how you REALLY feel about toothpaste πŸ˜‰

    Have a great weekend.

  5. Wow.. what wonderful news about your brother and his wife…A lot of babies are going to be born next year.I am waiting for grand # 14 in February….Wishing all safe and healthy babies…. This is my first visit to your place, Love it and will return. Baba

  6. Oh MY! That In-n-Out burger looks SO tasty! One thing I miss most about so-cal!

    Becky! Good catch on the In n Out Burger! blessings….

  7. I love hedgehogs and wouldn’t mind having one as a pet..his name would be Sir Prickly! LOL! Congrats on the upcoming addition to your family! Thanks for stopping by to dine with me..have an awesome weekend!

  8. That was a yummy pic of a burger!

    congratulations on the new baby in the family. i’m sure everyone in the family is happy.

    great feast! i had a good share of it.

    happy weekend!

  9. Congrats on becoming an aunt! I love your salad, then again, I adore hedgehogs! πŸ™‚

    Oh and I was able to catch a nice nap with my son draped across my chest on the couch yesterday. A good hour and a half! Very refreshing πŸ™‚

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