About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

37 thoughts on “WW ~ Sea Creatures at Low Tide

  1. WOW – Ellen, that is a HUGE starfish!! Thank you so much for showing me (the landlocker) these wonderful sea creatures God has created!!!

    I’d better run – we have company tonight, and I haven’t really cleaned my house for weeks because of the quilt deadlines. But I wanted to check out your blog this morning before I do ANYTHING else! 🙂

    Enjoy your day!

  2. Those are pretty, I hope you didn’t get bitten. We have things looking sort of like those that bite around our beaches (Galveston).

    Happy WW! Thanks for asking about the Subaru cars and why I liked these. I left this comment after you left:
    “Have to confess why I like these cars.
    I like odd cars, especially tiny pickups. There were only 70 of these brought in to the U.S. These types of little pickups are running around all over the Mediterranian area. They are a regular work horse. Then too the roads over there aren’t up to the speeds we drive around here so they fit in better with the traffic.

    We found the other one outside our window while eating at Burger King. These girls and their dog had just left the drive through and were getting the food ready. The dog had a hamburger, that is why I like this one, I like clever dogs in action.
    The red pickup was in a neighbors private museum along with over 200 of his favorites. I also like the Subaru Baja but I haven’t run across one of those lately.

  3. The starfish look like little people trying to hold up the shore and sands from being washed away !! 🙂

    And the pic of the crab is simply lovely .

    Thanks for your visit .

  4. Poor things! They probably can’t breathe. They are beautiful tho. Isn’t it amazing how the Lord has created so many intricate animals that are veiled to our eyes? How lucky you are to be so close to the sea.

  5. Those a really great shots of starfish. All I managed to find last weekend at the beach was a tiny little crab, and he was too fast for me to catch a picture of him!

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