WFW ~ Matthew 5: 44-45


“But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.”

~ Mathew 5: 44-45 (NASB)

For more Word Filled visit Amydeanne at the 160 Acre Woods.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

26 thoughts on “WFW ~ Matthew 5: 44-45

  1. Ellen:

    Is this your daughter? She is precious and the Biblical saying that you attached with the picture adds so much to the whole overall meaning of Matthew 5:44-45!!!!! Chilren instinctly know the true meaning of love and forgiveness! Oh, I can’t tell you how this has just made my day!!

    Is this your daughter? Whoever she is, she is so adorable!! The umbrella is very cute too and adds such brilliant color to the picture too!!

    I just love this post and the way that you set it up and combined the innocence of children and the power of God!!

    Another great post that you’ve done! I sure enjoy reading your blog, it is so interesting and educational!


    Kelly, Yes this is our daughter Katie about 17 years ago. :0)

  2. I’m not sure if it made the news down there, but there was a Canadian Couple that was asaulted, beaten, and left for dead in Africa where they were missionaries. . .they have survived and are home now recuperating,. . .the amazing thing is on the news for all to hear they proclaimed their forgiveness and desire to go back. . .

    They are living these verses ..

  3. Thanks for popping in for a visit! What a precious child! She looks so cute in her rain gear! Beautiful verse, Thank You for sharing! 🙂 ~Rhonda

  4. I only came to your blog for the Golubtzi recipe but decided to click on the first link for your posts and got this one.

    Talk about appropriate for my life! I’ve been concerned with what others think of me and say about me (long story) and this verse really put things into perspective again. THANK YOU!!

  5. Hi Ellen,
    Running a bit behind checking up on all these WFW posts. THIS is positively precious. What a perfect photo to pair with that great verse. Thank you for sharing this sweet WFW.

  6. we are all suckers for cute. Isn’t God good to make kids cute to balance out when they can be little horrors…….or was it only the ones I met in my teaching career…..Most were cute!

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