Blue Monday ~ Hooray for Firemen!!


I took this photo of this fire engine on our way to dinner last Wednesday with no idea how important these trucks and firemen would become on Thursday and through the weekend here in Southern California. We have had fire after fire here and our men in blue have come to the aid of anyone in the path of these fires. Our hearts are full of gratitude and our prayers continue for their safety and their courage and their strength as the daunting task of fighting some fires goes on. Things have improved but there are still fires to fight. Thank you to all the firemen and policemen who are serving the Public. God bless you everyone…

For more Blue Monday Posts please visit Smiling Sally here.

Photobucket is holding all my photos from 2007-2015 hostage and demanding a ransom for me to access them. I’m slowly cleaning up many of my posts where PB have added ugly black and grey boxes where my photos used to be. So frustrating!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

27 thoughts on “Blue Monday ~ Hooray for Firemen!!

  1. How odd that you happen to take that picture. Our family members are back in their home with power back on. But they have a horrendous mess to clean up with all the ash and soot in everything and in the pool. But they said they are grateful they have a mess to clean up!

  2. Not being part of that world—that is another thing that is hard to imagine—how long they work and how they stay upright–it seems like such an exhausting job.

  3. I wish some of the rain that drenched Michigan and the NE states could have been diverted to the fires. Best wishes to all facing the danger of fire as we enjoy the blue firetruck post.

  4. Such an appropriate Blue Monday post, Ellen. Having previously had no connection to Southern California, you make what is happening there with the fires so personal for me and remind me of all the ways that prayer is needed there. Thank you.

  5. Ellen, we are so thankful to live in part of the world, where aid does come . We are watching CNN and are feeling the pain of so many that have lost their homes.

  6. Hi Ellen, this post is so great especially these past days with all the fires. They have been awful, I have friends that have been evaculated from their homes, but they didn’t lose them, thank God! One of the big fires started here in our city but the winds pushed it away from us. I am thankful for that but I am sadden for all the people in its destructive path! All the freeways around me have been shut down, driving anywhere has been a nightmare! Pray for rain!
    Love, Ann

  7. Lovely picture and what heroism!!
    I must comment on your last Pink Saturday. There are so many girls to visit that I just found your post.
    Your Gram was amazing like my dad. He lost both his legs in the war. I dedicated a post to him last week if you care to take a look. I’m very proud of him and miss him so very much. It’s the post with Veteran’s Day and Dad for the full story.
    Happy Blue Monday
    Claudie from Canada

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