Outdoor Wednesday ~ The Birds!

Outdoor Wednesday is hosted by Susan at A Southern Daydreamer. My outdoor photos this week are taken on 3 separate walks during the month of January.


Willow and I see this Dove pretty regularly on our walks in her neighborhood.

One day the Dove wasn’t there and we understood why when we saw this hawk instead.

Dear and I spotted this great Heron on our walk on the Bob Jones Trail in Avila, California on January 19th.

To see more Outdoor Photos visit Susan at A Southern Daydreamer.

Photobucket is holding all my photos I stored with them from 2007-2015 hostage unless I pay them a lot of money. I’m slowly cleaning up many posts from this time period and deleting their ugly grey and black boxes with a ransom request. Such a time consuming bother.

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

20 thoughts on “Outdoor Wednesday ~ The Birds!

  1. Happy Outdoor Wednesday Ellen!

    It amazes me the things that you and your sweetie see on your frequent walks here and there… I am green with envy! I am so happy that you share them with us on your blog.

    I hope, with practice (and a better camera sometime) that I can take pictures like you one day!


  2. Ellen, these are truly amazing! I love your photographs. You always do such a great job with them, and those birds are incredible. Thanks for sharing them with us. Wishing you a great Outdoor Wednesday…


    Sheila πŸ™‚

  3. Super pics of the birds Ellen……..LOVEM! I so enjoy watching all types of birds! My grandma (88 at the time) came out frustrated from her shared home with my mom and was telling her that the squirrel was in the birdhouse again eating all the bird food up. My mom asked her if she enjoyed watching the squirrel…she said yes, and my Mom said, then let him enjoy the food too! πŸ˜‰ After that, she never complained about the squirrel taking over the birdhouse! πŸ˜‰ ~CC Catherine

  4. Beautiful photos, we have a family of doves that come every year, nest and have their babies, than their babies come back the following year and we start over again..I just love them!

  5. Great post for Outdoor Wednesday. It’s for the birds. Lol!
    Hope the dove returns!

    Jeanie and I both were MIA from the zip line. It was a guy thing.

  6. I just love sweet little doves. We have the little morning doves in our yard and I love to watch them play under the rose bushes. Those darn hawks! Why can’t they stick to eating ugly vermin?

    How’s the weather where your at Ellen B.? We were in the 80’s today…yuk!
    I hope your having a relaxing evening!
    πŸ™‚ Cori G.

  7. We feed the morning doves here all summer and winter. We also have a family of Heron’s in the summer. They love our little cove where nothing can hurt them. They fly low over the river and always come back before sunset.
    Love your birds today.
    Happy OW
    Love Claudie

  8. You are very observant. It requires being tuned in to nature, or the nuances are missed. These bird photos are wonderful, as were your walks, I’m sure. Thanks for sharing.

    Blessings, Lana

  9. What a wonderful afternoon you and Dear spent walking and enjoying mother nature. These are beautiful. Wow! Your shot of the hawk is incredible. Have a super Wednesday. hugs ~lynne~

  10. Ellen B,
    Love those Doves…They are Gorgeous…When I see Doves now…it reminds me significates meaning of Peace. And also a New beginning of Spring…coming…..Thanks for sharing…Beautiful posts….Happy Oudoor Wednesday..Kathferinllen

  11. I am so enjoying all of these pictures of plants and birds on Outdoor Wednesday, thank you for sharing the pictures of the doves and the hawk ,since we live on a farm I get to see both of them. Enjoyed!!


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