Blue Monday ~ 2nd Time Around Tuesday…

Every Monday Smiling Sally is our hostess for Blue Monday. Do you have something blue to share? Click over to Sally’s and join in on the fun. On Tuesdays Diane at A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words is the hostess of 2nd Time Around. This post qualifies for both this week!


For Blue Monday I wanted to show you one of my favorite Goodwill stores in the state of Washington. This is where I have found so many of my blue goodies over the years. Every time I’m back at my home in Washington I make sure to take a shopping trip here. This is only a very small sampling of the rows of goodies they have. I’m not showing you the clothing sections, book section, furniture section, shoe section, and linen section!! Here are just a few of the thrifty blue items I’ve purchased to be used the 2nd Time Around…


Have a great Monday enjoying blue everyone…

And an early Happy Tuesday to 2nd Time Around!

Photobucket is holding all my photos that I stored on their site from 2007-2015 hostage replacing them with ugly grey and black boxes and asking for a large ransom to retrieve them. It is a slow process to go through all my posts deleting the ugly boxes.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

47 thoughts on “Blue Monday ~ 2nd Time Around Tuesday…

  1. GLORY…that is an amazing Goodwill…the ones around here probably don’t even dream of being so wonderfully stocked, orderly and clean. How wonder you come up with such wonderful finds. That place would make even me a thrift shop shopper. HOW FUN!!!!

  2. Such lovely finds. I have NEVER been thritin’! Is there a better day to go than others? Like are Mondays bettter than Thursday or Friday or is stock replenished daily? Just curious.

    Blessings to you from Kansas,

    • Valerie the thrift stores around here bring in new (old) stock everyday. Every chain is a little different. Monday is generally a big bargain day. Sad but true to get consistent great finds you need to go a lot, otherwise you just do the hit and miss method. I don’t get discouraged when I go for weeks without finding anything I like. Hit and miss is fun, too.

  3. Your Goodwill is exceptional! Is this the one you showed me? I could get into this! Happy Hunting!
    Love, Jeanie
    How was the Florida wedding?

    • Josh and Laura reported that the Florida wedding was wonderful with lots of Hava nageela sp? wild fun! They also are eating very well….

  4. oh my, i am drooling at that thrift store! what a wonderful blessing… and you have such a good eye that you are able to use such a resource wonderfully well☺

  5. I don’t have a Goodwill near me and the nearest Salvation Army store is not kept neatly. I know shoppers are to blame, but other SA stores seem to have staff straightening up on a regular basis. Sometimes it is hard to spot a find amid the clutter, but that wouldn’t be the case with the shelves you’ve posted.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  6. Makes my little Goodwill, that I thought was huge, look like a corner stall. Ahh, the dreams of shopping there!

  7. Excellent Post you are so creative ,thank you for all the lovely pictures today.
    I had a great visit .
    I have never seen a Goodwill this large or with this kind of selection.
    I think I need to pack my bags and see this place for myself 🙂

    Blessings of joy and peace to you.

  8. Oh, oh, oh I adore blue toile!!!!! I have green toile in my kitchen, brown in the living room and blue in the guest room. I LOVE toile, and I really enjoy a nice goodwill!!

  9. That’s a huge Goodwill store! Ours is teeny tiny. I think there is a really big one on the other side of town that I now must commit to visiting!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  10. I think you could get a job with Goodwill as the quality control person who makes sure the stores across the contry are as good as the ones in Washington. You have found some great stuff.

  11. It just wouldn’t do for me to hit the aisles of that gigantic GW store!! You’ve found some pretty blues there!

    Angelic Accents

  12. How funny I just got back from our local Good Will, I love the place!. You have a treasure trove full of blue goodies thanks for sharing them.

  13. Oh pretty blues.
    and don’t you just love all those thrift stores??
    I hardly know what the inside of new stores look like any more.

    Barbara Jean

  14. Hi Ellen…

    How are you doing my friend? Oooh…I do love my thrift shops too!!! Your Goodwill looks fabulous…lot’s and lot’s of goodies!!! I just love looking through all of the glassware…like you said, you never know when you might stumble onto a great treasure!!! Which brings me to all of your beautiful blue & white treasure finds…they’re gorgeous!!!

    Happy “2nd Time Around Tuesday”!!!
    Warmest wishes,

  15. Excellent post. I used to visit the Goodwill stores a lot looking for books. However, I haven’t been in one in years. I have stopped off to leave a few items but never even took time to look around. You took some great pictures. Thanks for posting.

  16. Ellen, I love that Good Will store. I too love that store, only where I live now, there isn’t one. The thrift stores here are ok but that’s all. I rarely find great things, but there were a few items I liked. Good job combining your posts. I love your many great purchases.


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