Outdoor Wednesday ~ The Path That Leads to Nowhere

The Path That Leads to Nowhere

There’s a Path that leads to Nowhere
In a meadow that I know,
Where an inland river rises
And the stream is still and slow;
There it wanders under willows
And beneath the silver green
Of the birches’ silent shadows
Where the early violets lean.

Other pathways lead to Somewhere,
But the one I love so well
Had no end and no beginning-
Just the beauty of the dell,
Just the wildflowers and the lilies
Yellow striped as adder’s tongue
Seem to satisfy my pathway
As it winds their sweets among.

There I go to meet the Springtime,
When the meadow is aglow,
Marigolds amid the marshes,
And the stream is still and slow;
There I find my fair oasis,
And with carefree feet I tread
For the pathway leads to Nowhere,
And the blue is overhead.

All the ways that lead to Somewhere
Echo with the hurrying feet
Of the Struggling and the Striving,
But the way I find so sweet
Bids me dream and bids me linger-
Joy and Beauty are its goal;
On the path that leads to Nowhere
I have sometimes found my soul.

~ Corinne Roosevelt Robinson

For more Outdoor Posts be sure and visit our great hostess Susan at A Southern Day Dreamer later today or tomorrow. Yep I’m up early and no it really isn’t Wednesday yet  I’m just trying to confuse you :0)

Photobucket is holding all my photos that I stored on their site from 2007-2015 hostage replacing them with ugly grey and black boxes and asking for a large ransom to retrieve them. It is a slow process to go through all my posts deleting the ugly boxes.

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

42 thoughts on “Outdoor Wednesday ~ The Path That Leads to Nowhere

  1. Ellen, you have absolutely outdone yourself with this post. It is so beautiful, both the poem and the pictures. I still have my same post up, and now I’m wishing I had another one… but my camera went kooky so I’m still dealing with that and other techy issues.

    Thanks for sharing this with us. I always love visiting your blog.

    Happy Outdoor Wednesday!


    Sheila 🙂

  2. Thank you for the nice comment at my blog. This is the first time I have done Outdoor Wednesday.Your picture ard beautiful along with your poetry.

  3. What wonderful images of what God creates. 🙂 Truly a blessing. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your pictures with us.

  4. Hi Ellen…what a wonderful poem….thank you so much for sharing it with us! It resonates with me!
    And thanks for visiting My World at Inwood Park. Annie

  5. Hi Ellen, I adore your poem and your photos leading into each verse. Very clever and beautiful too. Thank you for your visit today. I am always happy to see your comments.


  6. This is just beautiful!!! The poem is so lovely and I love how it unfolds along with the photos!!! Wonderfully done!!!

    Have a great Outdoor Wednesday!!!

  7. Hi Ellen,
    Your pictures are fantastic. I feel like I could reach out and touch those turtles. What a truly peaceful place. Someday I would like to take that path. Happy Outdoor Wednesday.

  8. Ellen,
    I would like to get a copy of the russian molokan cookbook, do you have the information on where to order one or whom to contact.

  9. Good evening Ellen B.,

    You mean it isn’t Wednesday ;0!?
    Your poem fits so beautifully with your pictures that I feel as if I’m wandering across the bridge. Your little turtles look like they’re up to no good sneaking up on that crane. WHat a lovely day you must have had.

    xoxo Cori G.

  10. Happy Outdoor Wednesday Ellen! I love the poem with the path that goes “nowhere”…and the turtles! You take beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

  11. Such splendid view and verse, Ellen–gorgeous! These photos have such serenity about them…a joy to behold. Fun to catch up with you here now we’re just returned from our trip. :o) Happy weekend ahead to you & yours ((HUGS))

  12. Just the kind of path I love to wander down.

    What a lovely poem – very L M Montgomeryish – although I think it’s even better than her poetry which I sometimes find too flowery. (is that sacrilege for an Islander to say that??

  13. Yours was the last I looked at last night, and the beauty was breathtaking and the prose so beautiful. It is a path I’d love to take and savor the gradeur of God’s beauty. Thank You for sharing this beauty both in words and pictures!


    • These photos were all taken at Juanita Bay Park in Kirkland, Washington…on the Northeast side of Lake Washington.

  14. Beautiful pics! I am still thinking about the road not taken question ..I think it was your post that asked abut that…maybe..hard to keep it all straight! 🙂

  15. This was a wonderful post Ellen. I love the idea of paths that lead nowhere. You have shown us some truly beautiful paths. I feel like I find my soul on paths leading nowhere much of the time. There is so much joy in walking through the natural world without destination.

  16. What a beautiful outdoor wednesday post! Sorry I didn’t get to visit sooner but I’m so glad I did get here. I really love the first picture especially, it makes me want to walk down that path so much. Thank you for this delightful post 🙂

  17. What a gorgeous post! Your photos are just beautiful, and I love the poem. Great shots of the turtles, I especially love the one with the turtles and heron!

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