Round Robin Photo Challenge ~ Silence…

Greetings Robins! Time for your next photo challenge. This challenge was suggested by Monica and it’s more of a concept than a subject. Take a photo that depicts:



A quiet place, a sign, something lonely, a subject that evokes silence. Lots of possibilities to capture silence in a photo. Look about and listen, you will see silence.

This last week I’ve had some early morning quiet walks along the Sammamish River/Burke Gilman Trail north east of Seattle. My photos are from the trail and of the reading room in Suzzallo Library at the University of Washington where it is silent.


Scenes along the Sammamish River Trail


Suzzallo Library Reading Room at the University of Washington

For more Silent Photo themed entries visit the Round Robin Photo Challenge blog.

Photobucket is holding all my photos that I stored on their site from 2007-2015 hostage replacing them with ugly grey and black boxes and asking for a large ransom to retrieve them. It is a slow process to go through all my posts deleting the ugly boxes.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

19 thoughts on “Round Robin Photo Challenge ~ Silence…

  1. that river trail is gorgeous! that would be a wonderful place to spend an afternoon; loved the picture of the library too; that is definitely a great interpretation of silence

    enjoy the day

  2. These photos are beautiful. I wish you would link them to Sightseeing Sat. I got Mr. Linky to work. The river is so serene and I love chursches!…Christine

  3. The library has interesting touches of blue in the decor. Do the librarians even allow the sipping of coffee in there?

    Lovely quiet place for a walk along the river trail.

  4. I’m experiencing complete silence & peace from your photos. It’s such a treat as I’m currently living in Hong Kong where we have wall to wall people and highrises.

    How I miss the serenity of the nature, praise the Lord for your catpures.
    Thank you so much!

  5. I think you have some very nice photos, that represent silence. I like the last one the best, because I can almost feel the silence there.

  6. I can see it so vividly, silence, through your photos. Yes, the second one is so serene and calm… beautiful. I’m glad you have some quiet time in busy Seattle.

  7. Beautiful pictures and perfect depictions of silence. The library is a stunning building and I think would naturally bring about a silent reaction of awe just in looking at it.

  8. These are perfect and beautiful. I know the Sammamish trail very well. I live quite close. You have captured silence to perfection. Thank you for stopping by.

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