Friday’s Fave Five ~ Beat the Heat Style…

Welcome to Friday’s Fave Five where we look back over the last week and remember our favorite things. Please visit the lovely Susanne in Canada at Living to Tell the Story to join in the fun!


Even though it’s hard to think about anything but the heat here in the Pacific Northwest I’m pushing myself to change the subject a little. So onward and upward to my favorites from this past week.

1. On Saturday after reuniting with my walking buddies on our 6 mile walk Jody and Dave picked me up for a West Coast Reception for a friend of ours who got married on the East Coast in June. It was so much fun to see former church friends that we hadn’t seen for a while and to catch up a little. It felt like a 10 year reunion.

2. On Sunday I met my kids at their church and went out for brunch afterwards with them and Grandma Wilma to the Maltby Cafe, home of the ginormous cinnamon rolls. Josh and Laura spent the rest of the afternoon at our house and it is always so much fun to listen to the fun and laughter the 4 of our kids have over a board game. This time they pulled out Risk.

3. The heat came in and my absolute favorite thing has been our fans!! I know it’s hard for people from hotter regions to understand our whining about the heat but because of our more typical mild climate very few homes in Washington have air conditioning. The other cooling favorites have been Popsicles! Today I bought an inflatable mattress to put in the basement so I can sleep more comfortably down where it is generally 10 -15 degrees cooler. Of course I looked just like this model on the bed last night…LOL!


4. I have also enjoyed planning a whirlwind trip for my husband, daughter and me to Vancouver Island next Tuesday. I like planning and investigating the details for a trip.

5. Tonight Dear arrives from Southern California. We will enjoy the next 2 weeks in the Northwest together and then we will drive back to Southern California together on August 15th. I’m looking forward to our time together here.

6. My extra favorite is all the fun hours I’ve had leisurely shopping at Goodwills here who have very good air conditioning. I’m going to blame my purchases this week on the unbearable heat!!

Good news! I woke up this morning cold in the basement and went upstairs to my bedroom at 5:00 am and crawled into bed and even covered up with the blanket to get warm!! There’s a cool breeze blowing this morning and the house is all cooled down, yippee!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

16 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five ~ Beat the Heat Style…

  1. I’m so glad it has cooled off for you Ellen! Although that mattress looks pretty comfy.

    Mmm those cinnamon buns would be my downfall.

    Have fun on your trip to Vancouver Island. My brother lived there for 5 years but I never made it out. I hope to go someday.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I laugh at myself at how wimpy I am when it comes to heat. I am whining if it hits 30*C (86*F) for more than a couple days in a row. LOL. We’re going to be having a hot week all next week.

    Those cinnamon buns look awesome. Even better when shared with loved ones and friends!

    I’ve gone ahead and linked you up because my brain stayed on vacation and forgot to auto-post. :v)

  3. I’ve been seeing the extreme heat in Seattle on the news. Your houses just aren’t made for those temperatures! Glad you found a way to cope and I hope the days ahead are cooler.

  4. Glad you found a way to be cooler with that heat going on there. Always great to be with old friends. Great pictures. Have a Happy Positive Day, 2009 Aloha

  5. Yea! You found that cool breeze? So did I!
    I hope you enjoy planning your trip on the Island. It is so beautiful.
    They have some of the best bike trails around…if you take bikes.
    Ah yes, I know we all look like that box….what else can we say, Of course in our dreams.
    Have a wonderful week.

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