Tablescape Thursday ~ Roosters…

Time again to visit Susan at Between Naps on the Porch to be inspired to set your table by seeing the creativity of Bloggers around the world.

Well I should have posted this last week when we were having our Rooster Party over at Barb’s but here it is a week late and a few dollars short. Just a few because like usual I bought most of this stuff on clearance or thrifting.




I’m happy to say we had a meal at this table way back in mid July! My brother and his wife came over for the afternoon and we went out for lunch and then barbecued Salmon for dinner. My SIL made her fabulous Mexican rice to go with the coleslaw and Salmon. Dear barbecued the Salmon so I just sat on my duff! This dinner plan worked out good because my back decided to freeze up on me after helping some young folks at our church scrape their popcorn ceilings in the morning before Tim and Letty arrived. I was also happy I had the table all set the day before so I could take the photos for Tablescape Thursday which made it easy for everyone to wait on me for dinner on Saturday.


You can see I was able to get up off the couch to snap some shots of our guests at the table and sit down again to enjoy the meal!

Just to clarify this table and dinner was way back mid July. My back is just fine today!!

Photobucket is holding all my photos that I stored on their site from 2007-2015 hostage replacing them with ugly grey and black boxes and asking for a large ransom to retrieve them. It is a slow process to go through all my posts deleting the ugly boxes.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

35 thoughts on “Tablescape Thursday ~ Roosters…

  1. I love the rooster holding the flowers…..A-dorable! Those napkins are splendid too! I also love the candle holders and the glasses. Very pretty and happy.

    My tablescape is at my spindlecottage blog

  2. Great table. Love the roosters and those napkins. The colors are so pretty and you have them fanned out so nicely.
    The food looks delicious too and all seem to have had a wonderful time. Thanks for inviting me in. I love a party.

  3. Gorgeous as usual. Love the roosters! 🙂 I hope you can stop by and enter your name in the giveaway at Color Outside the Lines. I know you could do some fantastic things with the loot! 🙂 Cheers!

  4. Ellen,

    Love it!! I noticed your napkins matched your rooster plates perfectly!


    Thank you for praying for good weather – I will email you another prayer request later!

  5. This table is so cheerful. How fun! And you….what a trooper entertaining with your kinky back, and you kinked it up by doing good!

  6. The rooster themed table looks pretty and summery.

    Dinner looks good too!

    Bad backs really do make us appreciate it when they are normal again, don’t they!

  7. Oh I really love the dishes with the pretty roosters. The colos are all so lovely. What a great tablescape. Also just reminding you of the Cloche Party on the 11th. Hope to see you there. Hugs, Marty

  8. Your settings are beautiful! I’d like to see a full picture of your dinnerplates! I really like the little silver pear NR! Wonderful table!

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