Webbed Feet?

It’s time for Finding Beauty on Friday hosted by Claudia at Dipity Road


Aren’t the feathers on this duck beautiful?

~There are a lot of people here in Southern California that are checking to see if they are developing webbed feet. The storms that have blown through the Southland over the last few days are causing lots of havoc and closed roads and evacuations due to fast moving water or standing water or mud slides. We are all ready for a dry day…

Photobucket is holding all my photos that I stored on their site from 2007-2015 hostage replacing them with ugly grey and black boxes and asking for a large ransom to retrieve them. It is a slow process to go through all my posts deleting the ugly boxes.

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

16 thoughts on “Webbed Feet?

  1. It’s thundering as I write. It has rained all day today, and we even got snow last night (I’m in the high desert). And no school tomorrow! Arrgghh! Another day indoors with two little boys!

  2. Oh sweetie…
    What a beautiful post tonight. This little ducks back is so beautiful it looks as though an artisit painted it with a paintbrush. Ofcourse God did, with the largest paintbrush I know of. How very detailed and beautiful. It looks almost like a ballet being performed on his little back.

    Thank you for sharing this little web footed fellow with me tonight. I love it. Have a beautiful Friday. Again beautiful photo, so detailed and gorgeous.

    Country hugs and much love…Sherry

  3. Wonderful photograph! I agree with so many others, the feathers are so perfectly detailed..sweet and beautiful little guy. Thank you so very much for popping by earlier at Dimples & Dragonflies. I’m the new kid on the block, and I think I could easily get addicted to this blogging thing. Making connections with so many kind and generous people daily has made such a difference in my life.

  4. The rains are certainly challenging you guys…lovely little image of a funny little critter. Hope you have a grand weekend in spite of the rain!

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