All In The Neighborhood…

I’m adding this post to Susan’s Outdoor Wednesday. Click over to A Southern DayDreamer to see more of the great outdoors!

It really is boring walking alone. Good thing I have my camera to keep me going….

The duck flew into my view and landed close enough for a photo session. I’ve been thinking about adding a lilac bush or two in my yard. I really like this deep purple color. The last photo of the mosaic are the blossoms on my Blueberry bush.

Now to some exciting outdoor work that is being done in our side yard.

Pretty soon we’ll have a retaining wall and then eventually this will be a driveway. We’ll have to find a spot for these huge boulders!

Never a dull moment at this Old House. I’ll be showing the progress as we go along.

Have a great Wednesday everyone! Oh I almost forgot I finished my attic project and all the boxes have been gone through and delivered to their appropriate destinations. Yippee Yahoo!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

21 thoughts on “All In The Neighborhood…

  1. I love new projects…can’t wait to see the process. Love the duckie.
    I have always wanted to see a lilac up close and personal. Do you think they would grow in So Cal.? Great post….happy wednesday

  2. We just build a hug retaining wall WITH these kinds of boulders, maybe a bit smaller…, all part of a driveway project. It’s all done now, and we enjoy it a lot.

  3. What fun! And what beautiful boulders! I know you will find just the perfect place for them. Are they granite? Over here where I live — they are hard to come by.

    ~ LaDonna ~

  4. AHHHHHHH rocks….We dug up a ton of them and I had more fun the day my dozer friend and I planted them all around the house….I could have gone on and on and on with that kind of fun! I LOVE that dark purple…my favorite this year is actually a new white one that I planted a couple of years ago…it is loaded and gorgeous. Have fun watching your project!

  5. Loved going on your walk with you and seeing all the pretty things you saw. Those boulders will look stunning stand alone or in a garden spot!

  6. Happy Outdoor Wednesday Ellen!

    I like the views on your walk! That looks like a big project going on at your home but I’m sure you’ll be happy when it’sa finished.

    PS: Loved the photos from when you met Judy and Marg and Lovella!

  7. It’s always a challenge to live through the muddle of building either indoors or out, but I’m sure it will all look lovely in the end.

  8. Looks like you are going to be busy! I love blueberries and am hoping to be able to plant a couple bushes. Not sure how they will fare in my area though and need to research it. Those boulders will be great in a garden setting.

    ~ Tracy

  9. Walking alone is difficult…no one to gab with, share ideas, recipes, world view..etc. Maybe someone will need you to walk with them and give you a call! You have gotten so much done in a short time! I’m glad you know where all your stuff is! I could use some help in that department. Enjoy the sunshine today!! I’m off to walk in it.

  10. Ok, so you are finished with your attic, please come help me with the basement! 🙂
    Do I need to have a second variety of blueberry bush? I only have one, and I recall reading something about needing 2. I don’t remember the variety of the one I have though!

    • I heard that same think Kathleen but I think mine is only one and it is doing fine. Dear read about a great new variety you can grow well in pots!!

  11. Oh Ellen! How great of you to be so organized so soon after moving back up here and it’s really fun to see your yard project… I wouldn’t mind having a boulder around here. They can be so interesting in landscapes…

  12. What do you mean you walk alone? Don’t you trot along with all your blog readers right there with you, at least in your mind? That was what I found myself doing on my solo rambles, looking for interesting things to point out via photos to blogging friends far and near.

    BTW, I think of you often lately as we continue to edit our household furnishings. While you are mixing two households worth of items, we are juggling former house furnishings that don’t really work in the new place, yet it seems wrong to just get rid of perfectly good and functional items that just esthetically seem off.

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