It Was a Great Day…

…for a walk in the neighborhood.


The hydrangeas are really blooming dramatically right now. This one is such an intense blue.


Beautiful lilies blooming.


A lighter blue hydrangea. I really enjoyed how the sun was shining on these blooms.

The next photos are from my own yard when I returned from my walk.


My blueberries are getting ready and I have to be fast to beat the birds to the ripe ones!


Our pears are getting bigger. They usually aren’t ready until late August or early September.


I didn’t plant this Foxglove but it’s blooming in my yard. Such a pretty flower.

It’s wonderful when the weather encourages us to get out and about and enjoy the scenery. I really need the extra exercise and I’m thankful for the motivation I get from the good weather we are having in the Northwest right now. Tomorrow I’ll share the great Yard Art I encountered on my latest walk!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I appreciate it.

Oops forgot to link up to Susan at The Southern DayDreamer for Outdoor Wednesday!

Photobucket replaced all my photos with ugly black and grey boxes and they are holding my photos hostage until I pay them lots of money. I’m slowly going through all my posts and trying to clean them up and replacing some photos. Such a bother.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

21 thoughts on “It Was a Great Day…

  1. Beautiful place to walk, Ellen. After being in both places, England and PNW, I can see so many similarities in climate and geography. No wonder we both love England!

  2. Mmmmmmmm apples and blueberries – yummy!
    Your photo of the lily is beautiful. I’m trying to learn to take photos of flowers, but still haven’t developed the skill…..good thing that there’s ongoing inspiration on blogs like yours!

  3. Such dreamy photos, Ellen…*swoon*… Those hydrangea are sooo BLUE–incredible! It’s great to be back here catching up with you after being away a few days MIA and being unwell… Happy Week ((HUGS))

  4. Great photos as always! Happy Guest visit preparations. Isn’t it amazing how much housework one can plow through when guests are on the way?

    Did I ever mention that the folk stories explain the spots inside the foxglove: they come for fairy touches. Fairies love to play inside foxgloves. They become quite peeved when cluelessly persons decide to make a flower arrangement, cut a fox glove and take it out of the garden.

    Consider yourself warned!

  5. Amazing photographs which simply uplift the soul. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us! Chloe xx

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