Yard Art ~ Dallas

My little niece arranged some pumpkins in her front porch area. If you look closely between the corn you’ll see an H and an O and a P and part of an E. :0) Then while my SIL and I went on a 6 mile walk early in the morning we spotted this..

It was still on the dark side so a little blurry. Please visit Mary at Work of the Poet to see more yard art or to join in…

Photobucket replaced all my photos with ugly black and grey boxes and they are holding my photos hostage until I pay them lots of money. I’m slowly going through all my posts and trying to clean them up and replacing some photos. Such a bother.

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

5 thoughts on “Yard Art ~ Dallas

  1. Sweet sign. I saw what looked like a three tiered snowman that was made out of pumpkins as I was driving around yesterday. People love to have fun!

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