Mosaic Blue ~ Sleepless in Seattle…


Remember the fun floating houses in Sleepless in Seattle? My daughter and I were checking on a wedding venue on Lake Union and enjoyed seeing these floating houses.

I’m linking up with Mary at Little Red House for Mosaic Monday and Sally at Smiling Sally for Blue Monday.

So…are you/did you watch the Super Bowl? We had it on and enjoyed some homemade guacamole and Reuben sandwiches while watching with one eye. Tip for the day…try grilled onions on your Reuben, delicious!


Here’s one more bonus photo that qualifies as blue and a mosaic all by itself!

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Photobucket replaced all my photos with ugly black and grey boxes and they are holding my photos hostage until I pay them lots of money. I’m slowly going through all my posts and trying to clean them up and replacing some photos. Such a bother.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

27 thoughts on “Mosaic Blue ~ Sleepless in Seattle…

  1. Oh you’re right…it really is a marvelous mosaic all by itself. What is it about a houseboat that makes it seem like such a romantic and excellent idea? (I’ve always wanted one.)

  2. The TV is on but I am no football fan, hehehehe just watching the score every quarter (for the football pool). Grilled onions give the UMP for the sandwich.

    That’s a beautiful mosaic tiled bench!

  3. That sandwhich sounds so delicious! Friend onions would make anything better, wouldn’t they? : ) LOVE that couch. I might not want to sleep on it, but I would definitely want to shoot it! Gorgeous!

  4. I loved that movie – Think I told you before I’ve spent many nights in Seattle when I worked as a waitress on the Princess Margureite for two summers way back when. I love exploring in Seattle – it’s a great city. The mosaic bench is really something. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  5. Loved that movie! Very cool houses, great shots!

    Delicious party food, love the idea of adding the onions! It really was a great game!

    and that last mosaic, very neat, love the colors!

  6. Love the bench. I’ve always wondered what it feels like on a house boat…guess it would depend on the bay or the weight of the house. Have a grand day Ellen!

  7. I went to a Super Bowl party and watched the game. It was a good one, even though I rooted for the losing team. Thanks for sharing your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday, Ellen.

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