Don’t Forget…

Time for Miss Jenny’s Alphabe-Thursday. We are on the letter C. C is for cute cookies or corny cookies or candy corny cookies.

You could have fun making these funny looking turkey cookies for Thanksgiving!

Bought my turkey and all the ingredients for the trimmings. All the cooking will be happening on Saturday because our family will be celebrating Thanksgiving early. Our Canadian neighbors celebrated Thanksgiving a whole month ago!

Since C is our letter this week I’ll share that I just finished a deep cleaning of my kitchen. Now I can mess it all up again on Saturday when I chop chop chop and stuff and mash and cook all the goodies for our celebration!

What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

20 thoughts on “Don’t Forget…

  1. Really cute cookies! If I didn’t have so much to do already, I’d steal your idea and make my own.
    I’m cooking Thanksgiving dinner for 30 this year. It’s gonna be fun!

  2. These are such adorable cookies, Ellen!

    For the first time in many, many years I am not cooking the big meal for my extended family. My nephew and his wife recently moved to a large house and wanted to host this year, so I am passing on the tradition to them for this year at least. In a way I am looking forward to being a guest and not having all the before and after clean up, but I will miss the big stash of leftovers!

  3. Sounds as if you have everything under control! Love the cookies. I’m sure that the grands would love them, too. Perhaps an invitation to make some is in order!

  4. Those are adorable…I have been trying to watch my candy intake and did not have one little piece of candy corn this fall…sigh…

    Will return often to gaze upon your candy corn turkey cookies!!!

  5. I just sent a copy of your Turkey cookies to my daughter. She and her family live in Guam with the military and I’m always sending her cute ideas for the holidays.
    My Thanksgiving is a bit up in the air at the moment.. spent this past week helping my daughter recoop since surgery and not sure if I’ll get home?
    Happy Holiday

  6. What a cute and clever idea! I loved this! The googly eyed ones just cracked me up!

    Thanks for a wonderful link for Alphabe-Thursday’s letter “C”.

    We appreciate you sharing your culinary decorating skills with us!


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