200 Fridays of Favorites…

Today Susanne at Living to Tell the Story is celebrating the 200th Friday’s Fave Five!

I picked up a book at Goodwill of Prayers by Michel Quoist. On the subject of Thankfulness he writes:

“We must know how to say, “Thank You.” Our days are filled with the gifts the Lord showers on us. If we were in the habit of taking stock of them, at night we should be like a “queen for the day,” dazzled and happy with so many blessings. We should then be grateful to God, secure because he gives us everything, joyful because we know that every day he will renew his gifts.”

Because Jesus died and rose again paying the debt for all my sin to God, I am forever His thankful child.

Here are my 5 for this week:

1. Thank you Lord, for these girls who came into my life unexpectedly and have become my true blue friends!

2. Thank you Lord, for my “Dear” who provides for me, is faithful in our marriage and is always willing to do those little and big home improvements.

3. Thank you Lord, for our children and the good relationship with have with them. Thank you that they stay in contact with us and find ways to spend time with us in person or with phone calls.

4. Thank you Lord, for all the beauty you have created for us to enjoy.

5. Thank you Lord, for our abundance of good things to eat and that we’ve never gone hungry.

What are your favorites this week?

I’m adding this link to my very first Fave post.

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

18 thoughts on “200 Fridays of Favorites…

  1. Lovely Ellen! I smile when I see you MGCCs together – what a wonderful group of women! We’ve all been blessed by your friendships.

    Hubby, children, beauty and good food – I’m thankful for these with you!

    Happy weekend!

  2. I love that quote by Quoist – such truth! How wonderful to think this is the 200th Friday of Faves or should that say Blessings!!! Amen to all your five.

  3. Your bottom line of all your blessings always brings you back to your strong foundation of Faith in God. What a wonderful week and I feel so privileged to have shared some of those moments.

  4. What a great quote you found…about thankfulness. Yes, if we stop to take stock we really should feel like ‘queen for the day’. I am thankful to call you my friend.

  5. I think I can honestly say that I am thankful every day for those same 5 things. Of course there are a host more if only we can keep our eyes on Jesus who inspires us to give thanks.
    Thank you, Ellen for that lovely quotation. I copied it into my file for future reference.

  6. How truly blessed we are. Thanks for the reminder and may we keep that uppermost in our minds. What a great God we have that showers us with so many blessings.

  7. For my post today, I should have just provided a link and written, “What SHE said.” I’m thankful to be thankful for these things in my life, too. Blessed are we!

    Have a great week. (And I love that quote at the beginning! Great book from Goodwill.)

  8. Family, friends and food – rich treasures, indeed. I’ve enjoyed meeting you and getting to know you through your FFF posts. Here’s to 200 more posts!

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