Sunlit Sunday?

The fog has blocked out the sun in our part of the world for several days now so I decided to go to my photos from a year ago to show some sunlit offerings! We have also had a good stretch of days that start in the 20’s and just inch their way up, trying to reach the 40’s.

It’s hard to believe that just a year ago our daughter Katie and I were at a wedding show at the Seattle Center. Her and Andrew’s wedding ceremony was in March of last year. I decided to pick this photo for Sunlit Sunday because she just called yesterday letting us know she will be arriving in Seattle for a month long stay while our son-in-law Andrew has some cold weather training in Northern California. They currently live at Camp Lejeune Marine Base in North Carolina. There is always a bedroom ready for visits from our kids!

To cheer myself up and to remind myself that the sun is shining but I just can’t see it’s glory right now I searched for more January shots of sunshine from last year…

Not real bright but the sun is breaking through. These are floating houses on North Lake Union in Seattle. If you look closely you can see the Space Needle in the background.

A lovely shaft of sunshine lighting up my bouquet of tulips from January of last year, too.

Hope the sun is lighting up your part of the world today!

I’m joining My Little Home and Garden for her Sunlit Sunday Meme.

Yesterday was our firstborn’s birthday so we’ll be enjoying a meal together for him and our dear daughter in love this evening. We love to celebrate our family. Speaking of celebrating, it  looks like my blog will be having a big celebration real soon as my total blog visits are inching to 1,000,000 viewers!! I never imagined when I started blogging in March of 2007 that my blog would be visited by so many. I’m working on a giveaway for this landmark event to be announced this week!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

16 thoughts on “Sunlit Sunday?

  1. The sun can, indeed, be a bit on the scarce side at this time of year. Thank you for taking the time to find some photos to bring to Sunlit Sunday. Your daughter’s sunny smile lights up that particular photo! As well, I love the glow of the tulips.

    I hope you have a lovely time celebrating your son’s birthday and congratulations on your upcoming blog anniversary and so many viewers. What a milestone!


  2. Wow! One million viewers! Congratulations.. The photo of your daughter near the Space Needle is great and I love the sunshine on the tulips.
    Enjoy the the month with your daughter.

  3. Congrats on so many views!!! Love your pictures and especially the tulip one! We had a bit of sunshine today along with huge snowflakes and a stormy drive to church. I need to figure out how to photograph those snowflakes!! Have a wonderful birthday celebration.

  4. As you’ve said, there is always sunshine behind the fog. Love the photo of the tulips with the light shining on them.
    Have a great time with your daughter.

  5. Wow, that’s a lot of views!! I learned something on Jeopardy this past week and thought of you. Did you know that the space needle in Seattle was the inspiration for the buildings in the Jetsons cartoon? Funny, huh?? Have a great day….whether the sun is shining or not I know you have ” sonshine” in your heart!! 🙂

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