From the Farm…

…to the Farm Market!

We so enjoy the relationship the Mennonite Girls Can Cook have with Charlotte at Lepp Farm Market. Many of our girls were raised on farms and now live off their farms. We are always treated well at Lepp and Sunday was another great day here. Our day started with a very good and challenging message from Lovella and Anneliese’s pastor on being sacrificially generous. After the service we all headed to Lepp Farm Market to enjoy brunch before our book signings began.

Lots of  delicious options plus ingredients to choose from for the chef to make your own personal omelette.

The weather was gorgeous and Charlotte had tables set beautifully for our outdoor brunch.

While having brunch I looked up and spotted Josh and Laura walking up to the market. I was busting at the seams with joy to see their faces and to know they trekked all the way from Seattle to bless me with their presence. It was so much fun to introduce them to all the girls and the husbands. Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart.

Our Josh is a real “people person”, can you tell? I’m glad Marg captured these moments! Thank You Marg! Josh and Laura joined the men and Amy on a grand tour of Lepp Farm Market while the girls got busy signing books.

After the farm market tour Josh and Laura picked up their books that were all signed and headed back across the line.

Then we had a another special visitor arrive!

Marg’s 101 year old Father in law arrived to see what we were up to.

I think he is quite pleased with his daughter in law.

We all decided we should take a photo with our oldest supporters that came to Lepp Market. Along with Marg’s Father in law and Helen, Bev’s dad who is 90 drove over for the event, too. What a blessing!

Another sweet moment from the weekend that made me tear up was when Marg’s grandsons came to Wink’s with their personal cookbooks in hand.

They had marked their favorite recipes in the book and wanted us authors to sign on the page where their favorites were pictured.

It seems little Silas really likes my Blintz recipe and requests them at Oma and Opa’s house. For the record Marg and Silas call them crepes. Don’t tell my Russian friends! This little guy made my day!! Thank you to Judy for capturing these moments!

Another guy that’s going to make my day shortly is Dear. He’s on his way home from the airport right now. It’s been a long 5 days without seeing him. Blessings on your day!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

15 thoughts on “From the Farm…

  1. So much fun to see all the different perspectives. What a remarkable weekend! Hope that you’re getting caught up on your rest…

  2. What a weekend to remember!!! I love your header, picturing all of you amazing women!!! Joy, Joy, Joy indeed. You are blessed beyond words….
    Enjoy having your “Dear” one home again and have a relaxing Mother’s Day weekend.

  3. Oh, how sweet! The little boys…what cutie pies!!! I hope they grow up to be cooks who appreciate the kitchen!

    Great photos, Ellen! Even the “young-uns” (the 90 and 101 year olds) were having a great time!!! God bless their little hearts!

  4. What loving and supportive families you all have…I got a little teary, too, just reading about it! And the pictures are precious!

  5. What a lovely setting for a brunch! I can well imagine your happiness at seeing your son and DIL – how sweet of them to surprise you!

  6. Ah…those photos are heart warming Ellen. Silas and I talked about the event today all over again…He just carries his book around. He is so cute and loves life.

  7. I just finally caught up on all of your posts from the weekend. You captured such special moments that will be treasured for a long time to come! We felt your joy about seeng your kids come up and enjoyed visiting with Josh at our table. What a wonderful weekend! Thanks be to God!

  8. Such exciting times for you all. I saw Josh and Laura’s picture on fb but was so glad to get all the details in this post! The happy smiles tell it all. Happy Mother’s Day Ellen!

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