It’s a Wrap for Sunlit Sunday…

…but only a finale in the posting not of our sunshine. Since we are entering seasons that boast more sunshine Karen is setting aside this weekly meme. I’m not a regular by any means but I say adieu to this light filled meme with a post today.

Thank you Karen for hosting Sunlit Sunday.

paska yard 020This little patch of Primroses surprise me every year. I didn’t plant them (they came with the house) but they pop up faithfully every year at this time.

I heard unofficially that the land our house sits on was once a rustic nursery called Primrose Acres. I like that and I’m still thinking that I should get to planting a lot of Primroses in honor of that.

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This plant gave me more grief than joy so this past week I trimmed it back and pulled it out of the planter. I also weeded this corner that had weeds with the thickest, longest, most stubborn roots. I’ll share the plants I’m replacing this with in the future.

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I’m so excited for the purple peeking through here. My lilac bush promises more blooms this year than last. It’s not hard to exceed last year’s yield as I only had one…just one bloom.

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My Lenten Rose is winding down but is still a nice sight in the front planter.  Our sun breaks have been few and far between the last several days. When it breaks through the clouds we are thankful.

Besides the sun some things that are lighting up my world are the chance to work side by side with my girlfriends in Canada for a good cause, time together with our daughter who is living with us while our son in law is serving in Afghanistan, spending time with our middle son over a weekend in Eastern Washington, time with our oldest son and our dear DIL here on this side of the mountains, and planning trips for Dear and me that are coming up in May and July. This week I’m planning and gathering fun things for a tea table I’m hosting at my church’s annual friendship tea coming up on Saturday. This evening we are having one more celebration for my birthday (March 14) with our kids on this side of the mountains.

What’s lighting up your world these days?

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

11 thoughts on “It’s a Wrap for Sunlit Sunday…

  1. These are lovely glances of what’s bright in your world, Ellen. I haven’t noticed any buds forming on our lilacs yet, but I’ll be watching them. How fun to have the primroses come up and bloom, unbidden, every year.

  2. That’s interesting that your property used to be a nursery. I’d plant lots of primroses too and give your home a name – Primrose Cottage?
    I’m excited by the blooms on your lilac as I’m hoping “Beauty of Moscow” I’ve had for two years will have flowers this year. I’ll bet you go and smell those blooms every day once they open – enjoy!

  3. Wonderful to get a peek of your garden. The primroses are lovely…such a rich color of purple. And I am still admiring your beautiful Lenten roses. Sounds as if life is keeping you busy!

  4. It’s a wrap, indeed, and soon people will be poking around their gardens here. Well, in May, anyway!

    I think it’s rather charming that your area used to be called Primrose Acres, Ellen. I’d be planting more of them for that reason alone! As for the lilac buds, I’m glad you’ll see more blooms this year; they’re a springtime favourite of mine.

    It’s been a pleasure having you join in, now and again, with Sunlit Sunday!


  5. Happy Birthday– still. One more day of our birthday month.
    Your lenten rose is lovely with the purple bits on it. Mine is all yellow and green.

  6. Your photos are beautiful, particularly the one of the lilac. It’s stunning. I’d vote for planting more primroses and name your garden primrose haven.

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