
J is for…JOY

IMGP0179If I made this sign I would have left off the It’s All Good part. There are things that are not good and in fact quite evil that happen every day, but today I’m concentrating on Joy. You can have joy in the midst of hard times.

Christmas Eve 006Joy is contagious!

IMGP1052So today as I experience another 100+ day in Southern California I will choose Joy in my journey, especially since I’m journeying home to the Seattle area and cooler temperatures today. While down here I have found a lot of joy spending time with my dear old pop (91), visiting with sisters, brothers, and nieces and nephews and old friends. I’ll leave you with a photo of the joy my little grand niece showed when we celebrated her 5th birthday.

Open house 016

I’m linking to ABC Wednesday with thanks to Denise Nesbitt and the ABC Team.

I hope you find Joy today!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

14 thoughts on “Joy!

  1. Brutal temps in Southern California! Glad that you have had this time with your father and your CA family. You are going to be thrilled to get back home where it’s cooler.

  2. I also wish you joy today! There is some joy in the world, but we are shocked by the monstrous actions of cowardly murderers who have no right to call themselves muslim . Allah is not a God of revenge, who orders us to kill people of other religions. Thou shalt not kill! One of the ten commandments.!
    Wil, ABCW Team.

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