Quality Time Together…

Last Thursday Dear and I loaded up the car and headed East to enjoy some quality time with our kids. Our son-in-law Andrew wasn’t given time off of work to be able to join us and we missed him dearly.

On Friday (Halloween) we had a great hike on and above our son Dan’s property.

Our sons, Dan and Josh.

A Selfie from Josh and Laura.

Our daughter Katie and daughter-in-love, Laura.

Laura took this photo of Katie on our hike with her phone.

We had some great views and enjoyed lots of fall color.

My son shared some apples from his trees with the deer.

We enjoyed hiking, shooting, shopping, eating, and playing games together. We marvel at the world God created for us to enjoy and the people He has put in our lives to love and encourage us on our journey.

Dear and I stayed at a farmhouse close to our son’s home so the kids could enjoy staying up late and sleeping in while Dear and I tucked in earlier and woke up early each day. On Saturday morning all the kids came over to the farmhouse to enjoy a meal that Dear and I prepared for them. We bought some local made sausages and Dear made his fabulous Swedish pancakes and we added eggs to round off the meal.

Later on Saturday Dan and Jamie made us their famous fish tacos with their home made cabbage salsa. Dinner was so delicious. I’ll share the salsa recipe soon on Mennonite Girls Can cook. I’m so sad I didn’t take one photo of all the good eats we had.

We enjoyed three sunsets in Eastern Washington.

Dan and his girlfriend, Jamie.

Before we headed back over the Cascades to Western Washington we enjoyed brunch together.

We consider any time we are able to spend with our kids quality time.

I’m linking this post to ABC Wednesday for the letter Q. Thank you to Denise Nesbitt and the ABC crew.

Q is for Quality time spent together with family.

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

27 thoughts on “Quality Time Together…

  1. Quality post too! Wonderful shots of a happy family holiday. The food all sounded delicious, made my mouth run ! Loved the picture of the deer with an apple in her mouth.
    Thank you for sharing such a delightful family reunion.

    Best wishes,
    Abcw team.

  2. Ellen, these pictures are gorgeous. Fall is such a beautiful time of the year, and you did a wonderful job of capturing it. Glad you had a good time with your beautiful family. laurie

  3. Did my heart good looking at all the smiling faces in this post. Fantastic series of photos, and how lovely to be together in these beautiful surroundings. A great idea for you and your husband to be in a separate place, to give them their own space to enjoy a late night, just what I would like to do, especially lovely for the family to come over and enjoy a wonderful meal.

  4. Family, good food and and beautiful scenery, your photos show a perfect autumn trip. The deer had a good time too with those apples too, cute.

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